Welcome to Fensteel

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Mon - Fri: 9.00am -6.00pm

Sat & Sun CLOSED

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510 Logan Ave

Laredo, TX. 78040

FenSteel Metal Fence Basic Colors: White, Beige, Green, Brown

Unleashing The FUTURE OF

Privacy Metal Fences

Welcome to Fensteel, where innovation meets security, and style intertwines with strength. At FenSteel, we take pride in introducing a revolutionary steel privacy fence system that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property but also ensures unparalleled security. Our privacy fences are not just a barrier; they are a statement, a testament to modern living that seamlessly blends style, convenience, and durability.

FenSteel's Privacy Metal Fences
Easy-Instal, low-Maintenance Fences

Our metal fences redefine the concept of easy installation, low maintenance, and affordability. We transform spaces with our new modern painted galvanized steel fences, providing not only privacy and protection but also a distinctive touch to your surroundings. Whether for your home, ranch, or industrial property, FenSteel brings you a metal fence solution that combines style, durability, and convenience.

Discover the simplicity and elegance of FenSteel's innovative Privacy metal fence system.

Why Choose Fensteel for
all your privacy Fence Needs?

Metal Fence with A Stylish Look

Elevate your property with our stylish steel fence options that complement any architectural style. Choose from a variety of designs and finishes that resonate with your taste, making a bold statement about your commitment to aesthetics.

Low Maintenance Fence panels

Bid farewell to tedious maintenance routines. FenSteel fences are designed for hassle-free living. A quick water down once a week is all it takes to keep your fence looking pristine, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your space.

panel Fence

Invest in the future with FenSteel. Our fences are built to withstand the test of time, ensuring that your property remains secure and stylish for years to come. Say goodbye to frequent replacements and high maintenance costs.

Privacy Fencing
at it's Peak

Enjoy 100% privacy with FenSteel. Our fences are designed to create a secluded sanctuary, providing you with the privacy you deserve. Revel in peace and tranquility within the confines of your property.

Fortress-like Security Fence

Security is paramount, and FenSteel understands that. Our fences are not just barriers; they are fortresses that safeguard your home, ranch, or industrial space. Rest easy knowing that your property is protected by the strength of FenSteel.

Environmentally Friendly Fencing

Contribute to a greener planet by choosing FenSteel. Our fences are eco-friendly, eliminating the need for wood and preventing deforestation. Be a part of the solution while enjoying the benefits of a sustainable fencing solution.

Explore our

privacy Fence Products NoW

Fensteel is available in a standard height of 6 ft. and each section is 7 ft. long. Fence panels come in a variety of colors: white, beige, brown, green and wood like finish. However, custom fence panels can be ordered to accommodate your fencing needs.

FenSteel Metal Fence Brown Color Look


FenSteel Metal Fence Green Color Look


FenSteel Metal Fence Beige Color Look


FenSteel Metal Fence White Color Look


fensteel woodlike

Wood Like Finish

Backyard with a high maintenance withered fenceBackyard with a Beautiful Low-Maintenance Green FenSteel Fence Installed


Explore our range of easy-install, low-maintenance metal fences. Upgrade the privacy, securyty and style of your property effortlessly with FenSteel. Contact us today for a quote and take the first step towards transforming your space.



At FenSteel, we’re proud to introduce a revolutionary steel fence system designed to transform the way you think about fencing. Our commitment to simplicity, affordability, and style ensures that your space receives the upgrade it deserves. Explore FenSteel and experience the future of hassle-free fencing.

Unparalleled Ease of Installation

Say goodbye to complicated installations! FenSteel’s system comprises only two elements – posts and panels – with no bolts required. Our easy-install design ensures that you spend less time on installation and more time enjoying your upgraded space.

Affordability Without Compromise

FenSteel is committed to making high-quality fencing accessible to all. Our fences boast a very competitive price point without compromising on style, security, or durability. Upgrade your property without breaking the bank with FenSteel’s affordable fencing solutions.

steel privacy fencing


Discover the perfect fusion of style and security at FenSteel Fence Company. Browse through our gallery, explore our product range, and envision the transformation of your space. Elevate your living experience with FenSteel – where your privacy is our priority, and your style is our passion.

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